Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common and costly health conditions in Australia but unfortunately there are many myths about how it should be managed.

Back Facts:

  • Around 25 per cent of Australians suffer from back pain on any day
  • The muscles, ligaments, discs or bones in your back could all be the source of back pain. Fortunately, conditions like arthritis, cancer or infection are rare causes of back pain
  • Many people self-manage an episode of back pain by staying active and using simple pain medicines or a hot pack to relieve their pain. Resting in bed will probably delay recovery: movement is key
  • most people with back pain do not need an X-ray, CT or MRI scan
  • Effective treatments are available from your local physio or GP. Most patients do not need to see a specialist.
  • surgery is only suitable for a very small group of patients with back pain
  • Injuries can happen when you do something new, different or strenuous, such as lifting heavy items or playing a new sport. The pain may also occur because of a build-up of stress on the back that gradually turns into an injury.

When to see a physio:

If your back pain is not settling with simple self-care options it can be helpful to make an appointment at Cobram Physio.
Our physios can provide treatment to relieve the pain and they can also teach you how to look after your back and prevent future episodes.
If you have a long-term back problem our physios can design a suitable exercise program for you.


Backs for Blokes

Do you experience back pain of an ongoing nature.

45 minute exercise program for MEN with BACK PAIN. Using predominantly clinical pilates equipment.

Improve strength and flexibility of your back. Allow you to return to the form of exercise that you enjoy.

Function with Less pain in your work and home life.

Appointment Enquiry

Start Feeling Pain Free Today

    12 Terminus St, Cobram, Victoria, 3644.
    (03) 5871 1615
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